I work a little under three hours every day, and have been doing this for about a week. So, I'm averaging right now about $3.00 an hour - which to be quite frank I am surprised. The work is easy, so I can't really complain. In addition to Vindale, and Cash Crate I have started Ipsos, and MySurvey. I will probably add a few more to that list as time goes by.
The thing is, this is better than nothing. I made over five times this at my last job, but my last job was nearly four years ago. I also save money on gas, and child care so it all is not so bad.
I'm also in college again, doing pretty well. I'm taking elementary algebra, and enjoy it a lot. I also am taking Micro Apps, but the teacher hasn't updated anything in the past month. I will be getting a financial aid check for the next semester, and that along with some tax returns I will purchase a truck so that I can find a job in Tampa, tow my sailboat, and do a lot of necessary yard work.
So, I'm pretty happy about things. Before to long, I will have my sailboat in the water and enjoying a bit of sailing. Heck, if I can make enough online I might just stick with doing online work permanently, and just enjoy life on my own terms with no boss dictating to me.
I really wish I had found these sites earlier, I always thought they were just a scam, but it turns out they are legit. Not exactly enough to support oneself, but definitely enough to have some extra spending money. If I can make $400 a month doing this, I will have more than enough to get things going. Of course, that would probably be six to seven hours a day doing surveys, and a job at McDonalds would pay more.. but hey, I sort of enjoy doing this.
My wife and I are incredibly frugal, and have been living off of less than $24,000 a year for the past two years. We have made it work, by clipping coupons, going to good will, cutting back dramatically on our utilities, cooking our own meals, and performing all maintenance work ourselves. We haven't missed one mortgage payment yet, which is surprising. I'm really glad we decided to go with a smaller home.
Regardless, if you are in the same boat, here is my list so far of survey sites that may help you. The only one that I have made enough money from to cash out is Vindale, and that was $50 check mailed off to me.
I know that it seems like a scam, but give it a try. Research about them online, and find out for yourself. There are a plethora of survey sites out there, and I am a newbie to the scene, these are just the ones I have been using thus far. One note here, you gotta actually put work in these sites to get anything out of them, I mean it when I say I average 3 hours in a day so far, it is devoted entirely to answering surveys.
I also am considering selling blood plasma, twice a week. That could pull in another $60.00 each week, but I am not sure if it is in demand in my area. I am also worried about any scars it could cause, I don't want to look like a drug abuser. Got to love the life of poverty, hey it could be worst. At least I am healthy, have two great kids and a wonderful wife.
I also am considering selling blood plasma, twice a week. That could pull in another $60.00 each week, but I am not sure if it is in demand in my area. I am also worried about any scars it could cause, I don't want to look like a drug abuser. Got to love the life of poverty, hey it could be worst. At least I am healthy, have two great kids and a wonderful wife.
Hopefully, my next post here will deal a bit more with my sailboat. I'll keep updating the survey sites though, but don't worry.. I'm not going to focus solely on them, just a little something for the people out there that are in tough times.
If I find any other ways to make money, that do not end up costing you money in the long run, I'll post them to the blog.
Best of luck.
If I find any other ways to make money, that do not end up costing you money in the long run, I'll post them to the blog.
Best of luck.