Thursday, June 13, 2013

I don't want to live a "normal" life

I really don't, I am horrible with routines and I hate commitments held to others outside of my family.  I don't want to work forty hours a week, fifty weeks a year, until I reach the ripe old age of seventy so that I can "enjoy" life.

If there were such a disorder, where people were the opposite of OCD - I would probably have it.  I like change, routine is my nightmare.

Unfortunately, I am not talented.  If anything, I am a bit below the norm when it comes to others.  So, living such a life would prove to be difficult.  But, where there is a will there is a way.  I don't need a big home, nor a brand new car, I don't need expensive clothes or the best of foods, I don't need expensive vacations nor do I need to outdo my neighbors.

The thing is, I am not swayed by status.  I don't feel the urge, to be valued by strangers.  I don't need to feel that I am better than other people, by my material possessions.  My inexpensive 1200 square foot home is plenty large enough for my family.  My 23 foot long sailboat, built in the 80s, is huge to me.. my $10,000 SUV is more than I need.

And that was the conclusion I came to when I quit my last job,  I would rather be able to sleep at night than bully the elderly into buying magazines, so I could have nicer things.  Today I went to a place called labor ready, it is a temp agency that puts people to work for brief periods of time.  I like that, it is honest work where no commitments are held.  I get to choose when I want to work, and when I want to take a break.  The pay is horrible, but I don't have much that I need to spend it on, so it will do.

We make sacrifices in my household, but we are free.  That is what matters most to me, being free..  You only get one life, enjoy it.

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