Tuesday, October 8, 2013

$50 was too much

Today I helped move a hot tub from the back yard of a gentleman's yard to the front yard and loaded it into a trailer.  There were four of us there, the owner, two coworkers and myself.  It took all of an hour, after which he treated us to some ice tea and friendly conversation.

When it came to the end, he asked how much we should charge.  We all told him we were not sure, he offered $100, $75 or $50.. the others agreed to $50 but I felt it was too much.

I took it though, but now I feel like crap.  I should have told him no, but then I'm not sure how my coworkers would feel and if they would have felt obligated to take less as well.  Then there is the fact that we are so poor and it would help with Christmas presents for our kids.

I dunno, this is not the sort of person I am though.  $50 was just too much money, for a job that was this easy.. I'm used to making $8 an hour for doing similar work.  I feel like I've taking advantage of him, I don't know how people can do this to others without any remorse.

Last week, I was offered a tip for doing my job and turned it down.  That is the sort of person I like being, this.. it was just greedy.  I dunno, I have little else to write about and this has been on my mind all night.


  1. Hey Jeff. Sometimes people are more blessed than you. They want to do good for others. That is a blessing too. To give a tip or some payment when none is required is a gift that they feel you deserve. Thank them and remember because one day you might be able to repay some other person. That is how blessings keep happening.
